JaSeo focus on how our society treat objects.
We believe, role of the designer extends beyond problem solver into a term “creator of significance”, only object caring significance to its user can overcome limitations of our society.

‘How to Make’ Project

Subject to good products, it should have its own style, which could transfer to the other styles while it is used. Therefore, good products will be used by users for long terms and will keep its constant values. This project call, 'How to Make' has a various merits. This is because users are not only purchase the product, but they also can create its new styles, as well as new values while they are using it. In fact, the main agenda for this project is to encourage for consumers to have a sustainable and conscious consumption. This project provides manuals and its parts for users. It is simple and easy for users to assemble the parts by using ordinary house tools. In addition, made of reasonable materials. It also shares the prototype of the product with other consumers and they can make it themselves by buying reasonable amount of material.

inspired by Enzo Mari’s Autoprogettazione

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